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The Finale: Blog Experience

Previously I had already told how difficult and strange this semester has been in the context of a global pandemic.  The experience of writing a web blog has been interesting. I've never written a blog before. I think it was a great experience to write in English. I am very grateful for this activity given by Miss Cecilia. It's a good way to develop and practice writing in English. I also think it was an interactive way to conduct a class. I liked the methodology and the activities. Of course, I would like to have classes again with this entertaining methodology. It helped me a lot for the grammar in English and it's also a good start for the future to create a website in English, so, reach a different topic to different internet users around the world. In the future I would like to create a blog-website about design. Finally I feel that the English classes were better and more educational than a typical class. Thanks miss Cecilia!.
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The phrase "family is important" can be very general and imprecise. It depends on what we call "family". For me the family are the parents and the grandparents. And that would be the family. The rest are just relatives. And when we talk about family, we must consider the various types of family today. For me, my parents have influenced who I am today. My dad taught me to be hard-working, hardworking, never giving up. My mom taught me to be who I want to be, to be happy, to do what I want, to be free. They've always supported me in my decisions such as studying design, living independently, etc. I think that the nuclear family is very important, that is, the parents. They are the ones who are always by your side, they love you and support you.  It can be a single mom, two mothers or two fathers, they are parents. Love is the basis. The conception of a "large family" and composed only of a mother and a father is already a ver y old idea of ​​the past.


First....It has been an extrange semester. Online Zoom classes have been difficult for me. I have many subjects that I could call interesting I had a few classes, but I enjoyed Ergonomics. I can define Ergonomics or human factors like the scientific discipline conc erned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance. And where does the word come from? Well this word comes from the Greek word “ ergon ” which means work and “ nomos ” which means laws . It’s essentially the “laws of work” or “science of work”. A good ergonomic design removes incompatibilities between the work and the worker and creates the optimal work environment. I learned about the human body and its anatomy and how it interacts with objects.  For example, I learned that a chair must have a certain size, shape and materiality. The ba

D i s e g n o

I study design in FAU and I love the design. I'm always checking the website Disegno  , that basically is a design magazine. Disegno is published four times a year: in April, June, September, and November, and covers subject in the fields of design, architecture, fashion, urbanism, graphics, and technology.  New styles and interior decoration, the latest fashion trends, the new ecological and minimalist architecture, diverse publicity in graphic design and advances in technology. I check it every day. I love Disegno's website because shows design inspiration is everywhere, your mind never stops creating. It also shows many new creations from all over the world. The following images are part of the print editions of the magazine that are also on the website.

Me Against Injustice

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My Passion for Design

Hello again everyone! THE LIFE ...uff ... THE LIFE IS A CIRCLE. And also is a long journey of constantly constructions, payments and redesigns. To get to study design, I had to go through many stages of decisions, dreams and reinventions. Well, when I was a child, I used to play with wooden pieces for build building. A few years later, I wanted to be a musician because I learned to play guitar. When a was 15 years old, I wanted to be a commercial ingineering, because in that time, my parents we had a minimarket. Always I was into de businees world. In fact I taken a summer school in FEN about Economy & Business for teenagers. But when I came to study commercial ingineering, the truth was different. I started to hate this disconected world of business for big companies. I retired of the career. And I reinvented myself again. And I returned to my essence, the artistic world. And I discovered my passion: The design The design is everything. That mix between arte, techni

A piece of technology looks like a piece of art

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